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The mobility sector is at the centre of society’s transformation. Private cars are losing ground in cities as users and policymakers shift towards new alternatives for travel. Mobilize is a step ahead of these trends and offers two answers to the new challenges surrounding urban and electric mobility: Solo Concept and Ileo Concept.
Solo Concept: an extension of yourself
Solo Concept is a forward-looking mobility project and part of Mobilize’s aim to work on all forms of mobility. It is a single occupancy vehicle designed to have a minimal footprint (1.37 m long).
More broadly, Solo Concept illustrates the way Mobilize is thinking beyond current automotive conventions: it embodies ultra-light, free-flowing and agile mobility. The project came from Renault’s Indian studio, which is well known for its remarkable inventiveness, and the designers’ initial idea involved a skateboard with an umbrella.
With Solo Concept, the body and object meld in a way that feels like wearing clothes. The driver, here, moves around in a cool, calm semi-seated position.
Mobilize also sees this concept as an opportunity to partner with players in the fashion sector, for example to create nomadic accessories for personalisation (clothes, bags and luggage).
More information to be found in the attached document.
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